You're the most special one.

You're the most special one.

It gives light to my eyes.

We no longer live in a peaceful present.

We are just endlessly preparing for the future.

| Umberto echo |


once read a short story and thought it was very interesting.

is a short story by Chekhov called a joke.

the story is about a boy who made an appointment to go skiing with a girl he knew. The boy didn't like the girl, but the girl liked the boy a little, but the boy didn't know what the girl thought. At the beginning of the appointment, the girl was resistant to skiing. She thought it was too dangerous and could die at any time. The boy told her, "if you don't try, how can you know if you like it?" So in the end, the girl had to go skiing.

in the middle of skiing, the boy had a whim and wanted to play a joke on the girl. In the face of the snow noise, the boy said in her ear, "Naja, I love you." The girl was suddenly not afraid, but she was not sure whether the voice was the voice of the boy or her hallucination. So the girl said, I hope to skate again. This time, the boy still said the same thing. Naga still did not hear clearly and was not sure if there were auditory hallucinations.

that's it, because of a sound, the girl overcame her fear of skiing.

then the boy left town, and when he came back decades later, he asked the girl that she was already a middle-aged man with three children, and he was still special to her. He said I love you in the wind across the fence, and the girl's godless eyes lit up instantly.


everyone will be the most special one among others.

whether in love or at work, there will always be someone who can make our eyes shine.

my boyfriend has a cousin, especially a man. her boyfriend specializes in modified cars.

before I knew him, my boyfriend showed me the boy's interview on Baidu.

this boy studied automotive engineering in college, not because he loved your job, but because he loved doing it one line at a time.

he likes cars and has made a difference.

just like a carpenter I saw the other day, he is a Lincoln car employee and a single-minded craftsman, because he has loved cars since his grandfather, and up to now, in order to make his son understand that he can be the most special and outstanding one in every industry, he built a little Lincoln for his son.

is very interesting. His son's eyes began to shine when he saw the mini Lincoln.

if we get the most special thing that belongs to us, it is as beautiful as hearing the sentence "I love you" in the wind. Only something special will make people remember:


We will experience a lot of special things and special people in our lives.

that will make our eyebrows and eyes shine on ordinary days.

many people have this feeling, those special people, special craftsmen, special relatives, they are like a star, we may see the moon, but the stars can show us the way.

in the past, we may know that everyone will experience death in a lifetime, so many people are not afraid of death, but when we meet the most special people in our lives, we begin to cherish our lives very much. because we love these special people, in order to be with them, we begin to sacrifice our lives, and we want to be with them every minute, and we won't have enough for the rest of our lives.

starting from the grandfather, a craft is passed on to the father and then to the son;

from the grandfather, all the inheritance of love is in the hands of a special person, and a little becomes more precious and special.

We want to be the unique person in the hearts of others.

Don't do nothing, don't be defeated by the dull days, don't try to be the thorns in the mundane life, just ask that when others mention you, you can say, "that person is really unique and beautiful."

Seek for a trendy orange evening dresses from chic simplicity to inspired sophistication? We have cuts and forms to fit any silhouette.

this is enough.