Why are you single for so long?

Why are you single for so long?


when I was having dinner with my friends today, I was asked if I had been in a relationship recently. I hurriedly stopped my chopsticks and said, "not yet. Why do you want to introduce me?" I responded more quickly than I could have imagined, mainly because I have been asked such questions too many times in the past few days.

A friend said: why are you single for so long?

think about it carefully, I have been single for some time, during which many people have introduced me to boys, but in the end, they all failed. Of course, it's not that my standards are too high, or people don't like me, but there's always one reason or another for missing fate.

there is a good-looking boy who one of my sisters wants to introduce to me. I wanted to take me for a ride on a trot. As a result, I happened to have a particularly troublesome job at hand that day, so I spoke anxiously while perfunctory with his question. The boy was still very gentlemanly and politely forgave my rudeness, leaving a meaningful sentence when he sent me home: you are busy.

later, I reflected on it. It was not impossible to finish the work of the day until night, but I seemed to want to make myself look full, or I was not used to accepting a new person in my life. So subconsciously do something else to avoid it.

being single for a long time makes it difficult to accept emotions.

I enjoy one person's time more than two people. I don't even mind eating hot pot alone. I can order a full table of dishes and drink only my favorite hot pot drink. When I go out to see a movie, I like to watch it alone, no one interrupts, no one spoilers, no one chatting, watching the plot wholeheartedly.

once I posted a picture of eating alone on moments. A friend said privately that he would come to eat with me. It was too lonely to eat alone. It suddenly occurred to me at that time that these behaviors were "lonely" in the eyes of others.

there are a lot of single men and women around me, and there are a lot of people who want to set them up, but they all fail in the end. Single for a long time unconsciously raised the standard of choice, always feel that single for such a long time, another love must be very good.

dare not easily hand over their heart, dare not easily accept romance, firmly protect themselves in the inner castle, reluctant to be close to anyone.

it is no longer easy to meet someone who is attracted to you. There is a popular saying that a fawn in your heart will grow old when you bump into it, but now you will only say coldly, "can you like it like this?"

I still want to have a heartbeat, still fantasize about the chance to be loved, but I'm too lazy to give, too lazy to meet new people, too lazy to communicate, and full of predestination.

you  like someone now if the other person is not obvious, give up immediately;

miss someone now, if you don't respond for a long time, change someone immediately;

in the final analysis, it is not a matter of being unfaithful, but afraid of being sad and being disappointed.

used to be affectionate. I gave it all, and once I had no fear. I used to like it, and I didn't like it. Now I like it very much, but I can only pretend that I don't like it.

ask me why I have been single for so long, I also want to fall in love, I also want to be loved, but I no longer want to shake my fist at the air, no longer think about not getting a response, so I dare not take the initiative and dare not fight for it. As a result, I pretended to let go. You turned around and left.

being single for so long, I want to wait for someone.

has sincerity, sincerity, and temperature.

he can give me love and tolerance, can give me all sense of security,

want to be loved and cherished.

when it comes to emotion, you can still want to see:

"I like gentle people so much."

I want to fall in love.

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passive people fall in love.

you used to be nice to me.