Too much leisure will destroy a normal person.

Too much leisure will destroy a normal person.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

as the saying goes, leisure is a blessing.

but being too idle is not necessarily a blessing, but maybe a disaster.

when you are idle for a long time, you will know how terrible the idle panic is, how much the idle boredom suffers, and how empty the idle loneliness is.

because I am too idle, I will have a lot of time to think, worry about gains and losses, get confused, and lose myself in the inexplicable mood of constant cutting and confusion.

in the world, it is not that time is too hypocritical, but that people are too pretentious. If we really go all out to face life, we will not have time and mood to think about these unprovoked trifles.


get rid of a person and let him be idle, idle.

some people say that the most ruthless way to abolish a person is to let him idle, spur is never tribulation, idle to fend for oneself is the most ruthless revenge on the lazy.

whether a person deserves to be free or not can be known by taking a holiday.

just give a person a little freedom to know how self-disciplined he is.

Real freedom in the world is very expensive, you have to ask yourself first.

if a person is too idle, he will lose his goal and lose the motivation to move forward, then he will slowly begin to lose it.

people cannot be idle. If they have the ability, give themselves something to do, and life will be more meaningful. Once people are idle, they will not be far away from becoming useless.


too idle, idle for a long time, it will be abandoned.

people, the more idle they are, the more tired they are, the more tired and anxious they are, the more they want to lie down and the less they want to move.

when we are busy, we are eager to do nothing and hope to be free, but when we are really doing nothing, when we are idle every day, we are still tired and confused.

the tiredness of leisure will pervade every moment and every second of leisure, because when people are bored, there are two contradictory villains fighting, the more idle, the more entangled, the more entangled, the more tired, the more tired, the less want to do things.

when people are idle for a long time, they will become empty, if they are too lazy, they will get sick, those who are idle will worry more, those who are lazy will get sick, and those who are busy will be happy.

busy people are always energetic and happy, while idle people are either sad or listless and sick.


if you are idle for too long, you will be greeted by deep fear and confusion.

things go to extremes. People who do nothing for a long time will not only not get the ease they think they do, but will plunge you into deep fear and confusion.

too leisure is really not good. You should find something to do for yourself and keep yourself busy. Only when you are busy do you know that life is not easy. Only then do you realize that your usual sadness is hypocritical; emptiness is all because you have nothing to do.

busy, let us feel that we are really alive, while too idle is easy to let us into boundless anxiety and panic.

when people are idle for a long time, they will become like a complaining woman, unable to find their own position, losing the sense of value of their existence, doing nothing every day, complaining about heaven and earth, complaining about fate, full of grievances, full of complaints, and doing nothing.

A person who is idle for too long will fix himself in a long silent environment, become more and more sentimental and vulnerable, and finally dare not try basic social activities and going out.

people should learn to sprinkle their emotions, conquer the negative energy in the body with work, communication or sports, and vent all their grievances and loneliness.


keep yourself busy in order to make yourself better.

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Destiny is never too partial to anyone, and happiness never misses anyone.

when we complain bitterly about the unfairness of life, it is often our own lack of effort;

when we always feel that we are not lucky enough, it is just that we ignore a lot of things we already have;

when we think about things every day and worry about gains and losses, it is just because we are too idle.

when you go out and get busy, you will slowly forget the unhappiness that is entangled in your heart, and you won't have time to care about any sadness and pain when you are busy.

Life, try to keep yourself busy and don't let yourself have time to think about other people and things. when the day gets busy, you will find that living a healthy life is happiness; living a busy life will be full, and the meaning of life lies in exercise.

be busy, there's nothing wrong with it, there's something to do, and the hope and motivation to work hard and work hard. To keep yourself busy is to make yourself better.

as the saying goes, there is always one of body and mind on the way.

live with your heart, act with your body, give up the leisure life that is too comfortable, abandon the wishful thinking that is too easy, keep yourself busy, and make yourself happy, happy and satisfied.