Ten common sayings, see through human nature, tell through life

Ten common sayings, see through human nature, tell through life

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

many "big sayings" are often "big truths", which contain the philosophy of life realized by our ancestors.

rough words are not rough, but sentence pokes are to the point!


ten thousand taels of gold is easy to get.

although gold is expensive, it is not impossible to get it.

true friendship is rarer than gold.

when people are young, they feel that there are people everywhere and that other people's business is your business.

wait until middle age to realize that there is nothing but family around you.

one is poor and the other is rich. It is enough to have a bosom friend in life.


in cold weather, the Weaver Girl does not freeze frequently, and the famine does not starve the hard tillers

the six Zutan Sutra says: "the fan population says, the wise man acts in his heart."

foolish people only complain;

wise people take actions to change their fate.

hard-working hands can earn everything, pie in the sky is just a pipe dream.

as long as people are down-to-earth and willing to work, they need not be afraid of hunger, cold and famine.

with clenched teeth and a sigh of relief, we will be able to get out of the mud of fate sooner or later.

you just work hard, and God has the best plan.

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there is a surplus of grain for chickens and dogs, and many books for their descendants

accumulate money to accumulate grain, but it can ensure that their children and grandchildren will not be worried about food and clothing, and they will eventually be rich for no more than three generations.

there is a saying in Zengguang Xianwen: it is better to accumulate money than to teach a son, and to sit idle than to read.

Reading more books is not only good for yourself, but also good for your children's education.

if children are not educated well, no matter how much wealth they leave behind, they will eventually be wiped out.

the family is well-off and the children and grandchildren are progressive. This is the self-cultivation and success of the whole family.


the lampstand of the eighth father-in-law sees others, but not his own family.

clinging to other people's shortcomings all day can only show that one's own self-cultivation is not enough.

No one is perfect, nothing is perfect, and everyone can make mistakes.

Laozi said, "when Great Way is implemented, people are not to blame."

instead of blaming others, it is better to find the reason from yourself.

only when you reflect on yourself and often think about your own mistakes can you really become mature.


the wound can be healed by cutting flesh with a sharp knife.

the mouth is an axe, and words are tongue cutters.

No matter how serious the physical injury is, it will eventually heal.

the harm caused by cold words to the human mind is difficult to be smoothed by time.

think twice and think more about others before you say it.

the best self-cultivation in the world is to speak carefully.


the monsters in the temple are very popular, and the strong ones help each other and the weak ones tear each other.

the lower the level of the person, the less likely he is to see the people around him.

with different values and different circles, there is no need for hard integration.

strive to improve yourself and jump out of the environment that consumes you.

can we follow the light all the way to a better life.


the family members turn a deaf ear to what outsiders say.

the family members are supposed to be the people closest to us, but they are also the people who are most easily ignored by us.

treat your family with 12% patience and 100% heart.

Don't be impatient, let alone show your face to your family.


not afraid of red-faced Guan Gong, but afraid of Bodhisattva with mouth

A person who seems to have a good relationship, you can't know what's on his mind.

honest people, even if they have a face-to-face confrontation with you, are straightforward and do not play dirty.

the dog that does not bark usually bites people most harshly and painfully.

to be a man, you should not have the intention of harming others, let alone being unguarded.

get along with others, pay attention to what you say and do, and don't treat everyone as a heart-to-heart friend.


I'd rather eat porridge with open eyebrows than rice with frown

people don't understand until middle age that nothing is more precious than health.

even if you suffer from hardship, as long as you are happy.

sad face, no matter how good food is not delicious, the body is difficult to be nourished;

keep emotional stability, positive and optimistic, porridge dishes can also nourish people.

people learn to laugh often when they say whether they are short or long.

worrying about something that is not worth it is a waste of precious life.


Heaven does not give birth to useless people, and the earth does not grow nameless grass

the ancients said: the talent that heaven and earth make me must have its use.

all things exist for a reason;

everyone is unique and born with their own tasks and abilities.

people are not afraid of failure, they are afraid of doubting themselves.

if you don't have confidence, no matter how small the difficulty is, you can't overcome it.

Don't doubt life and belittle yourself because of temporary frustration.

be good at finding your own bright spot, as long as you continue to surpass yourself, it is the greatest success.