Don't let your temper stop your good fortune.

Don't let your temper stop your good fortune.

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everyone has their own temperament, but that doesn't mean you can lose your temper anytime and anywhere.

the quality of your temper will not only affect your quality of life, but also your luck.

as Sinica said:

"A good temper is like a sunny day, with light everywhere, so that you can bring your own light."

the better your temper, the more blessed you will be.


the smaller the temper, the greater the ability

Wang Xiaobo said:

"all people's pain is essentially anger at their own incompetence."

indeed, many people are angry because they lack the ability to solve problems. When a person is more capable, he has less temper.

because they have developed the ability to face all difficulties squarely, they can keep calm no matter what problems they face.

Omar is a famous swordsman who has an opponent.

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he struggled with that opponent for thirty years without deciding whether to win or lose.

in a duel, the opponent accidentally fell off his horse.

Omar jumped off his horse with a sword and stood beside his opponent. At that time, he could easily defeat him.

but then the opponent did a sad thing and spit in Omar's face.

Omar stopped and said to his opponent, "We'll play again tomorrow."

the opponent was a little confused, and soon he was complacent about what he had just done.

and Omar said:

"for the past 30 years, I have been training myself to fight without a little anger, so that I can always win and be undefeated.

the moment you vomited me, I was angry. When I killed you, I would never feel victorious again.

so we can only restart the game tomorrow. "

but that fight will never begin.

because the opponent became his student, he learned from him to play without anger.

temper is the embodiment of one's ability and self-cultivation.

in life, there are a lot of bad things, not only lose your temper can not solve the problem, but also make the problem worse.

du Yuesheng once said:

"first-class people have ability, but no temper; second-class people have ability; third-class people have temper;

third-class people have no ability, no temper; the last class, have no ability, have temper."

people who are really capable are more calm and calm when things go wrong.

they know how to control their temper and won't let it control their lives.


temper, hiding a person's self-cultivation

there is a saying:

"the wisdom of irascible people is tomorrow."

when people are angry, they are most likely to lose their minds and do something they regret.

that will hurt not only yourself, but also others.

as Zhang Xiaoxian said:

everything is not going well, because there is still a temper. If you have a temper, you will suffer not only others but also yourself. "

people with a good temper have more belly.

Wang Dan was a famous minister in the period of Song Zhenzong.

Wang Dan has such a good temper that even his family has never seen him angry.

at that time, there was a minister named Kou Zhun. he didn't like Wang Dan very much, so he often spoke ill of Wang Dan in front of Song Zhenzong.

but Wang Dan is not. He still has a good reputation for Kou Zun.

so Song Zhenzong said to Wang Dan, "although Aiqing said good things about Kou Chun, Kou Chun only spoke ill of you. Aren't you angry?"

Wang Dan said with a smile:

"this is taken for granted. I have been in the aspect for so long, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes in political affairs.

when Kou Chun is facing his Majesty, the more loyal he is to speak out my faults without concealment, and that is why I attach importance to Kou Chun. "

the story later spread to Kou Zun, who was very ashamed and praised Wang Dan for his magnanimity.

people with a good temper will not lose their temper at will when they get along with others. Because they know that losing their temper will only hurt each other's feelings. As Hu Shi said:

"the most abominable thing in the world is an angry face; the dirtiest thing in the world is to show an angry face to others, which is worse than beating and scolding."

No one has an obligation to bear your temper. Everyone has a temper, but losing one's temper at others is the most hurtful.

people with a bad temper will only keep people away; people with a good temper will let people approach.

the better the temper, the more blessings he will accumulate for himself.


as the saying goes

those who cannot control their temper will only be controlled by it.

A good temper helps life; a bad temper drags it down.

during the period of the three Kingdoms, the State of Shu appointed Jiang Kui to preside over the government after the death of Zhuge Liang.

at that time he had a subordinate named Yang Opera.

since childhood, Yang Opera has a withdrawn personality, is not good at speech, and is often misunderstood.

on one occasion, when Chiang Kai-shek spoke to him, he should only not answer or remain silent.

some subordinates don't like Yang Opera very much and think Yang Opera is too arrogant.

so he muttered in front of Jiang Kui, "Yang Opera is so snub to you that he doesn't know how to respect you at all.That's what I said! "

Jiang Kui smiled calmly.

the subordinate said, "you still laugh, if I had been angry and gave him a good beating."

Jiang explained:

"people have their own temperament." It is not in his nature to let Yang Opera praise me face to face;

Let him say my fault in front of everyone, he will think that I cannot step down. So he had to be silent. In fact, this is the value of his being. "

the subordinate stopped talking and thought that Chiang Kai-shek had a good temper.

later, with such a good temper, Chiang Kai-shek recruited many good generals for his own use.

there is a proverb:

"kicking a stone in anger only hurts your toes."

losing your temper will not only make you unhappy, but also affect your happiness.

in life, whoever encounters bad things will have a temper.

but losing your temper won't solve the problem, and it will make you feel bad.

what is the most important thing in a person's life, isn't it career, family and health?

and a bad temper can destroy everything, even the whole life.

there is a saying:

"your own character is yourself, which determines your future destiny."

temper is the embodiment of character, a person with a good temper will not be bad.

if you want to live well in life, you must learn to control your temper.

when you argue, let the words be patient and not angry;

when you are angry, let your mind calm down and not be angry.

only when you know how to control your temper can you control your life.