Being with people with positive energy is the best way to maintain good health.

Being with people with positive energy is the best way to maintain good health.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.


stay away from the people who consume you

some people say that the best relationship is to be with people who are comfortable with you.

on the other hand, the most tiring relationship is to associate with the person who consumes you.

have you ever had such an experience:

chatting with TA at least 8 times out of 10 times, all you hear is complaining, either complaining about a colleague's incompetence but high salary, or talking about trivial issues within your parents, and the topic ends with a sigh of reluctance to fate.

talk to TA about your goals and dreams, and your apprehension about the road ahead. The first thing you hear is never sincere encouragement, but blurting out blows and disappointments.

working with TA, always doing it becomes a one-person show for you. You forgive TA's powerlessness, but TA takes your thoughtfulness for granted.


if you meet such a person in your life, no matter how good the relationship is, remember to stay away from it.

writer Su Cen said:

some people, like an "energy vampire", slowly devour your optimism, positivity, courage, and self-confidence, and quietly give you negativity, complaint, depression, and worry. No one can detect it for a short time, but over time, your mood, spirit, and state of mind will be assimilated by him.

gaze into the abyss for too long, and the abyss will come back to gaze until one day you will be surprised that you have become a person full of negative energy.

God opposes fate, complains about the air, loses curiosity about the world, and has no longing for life.

it turns out that the moment you are consumed by others, you are gradually becoming a consumer.


whatever you get close to, you will become

A conversation like this in the words of Confucius once read:

Confucius said: after I die, the business becomes more and more, and the gift loses every day.

Zongzi asked: what is also?

Confucius replied: that business is also good for those who are virtuous, and gifts are also good for those who do not treat themselves as themselves.

means that Confucius believes that after his death, disciple Zi Xia will be more self-improving because he likes to be with people as wise as himself, while disciple Zi Gong will gradually decline because he likes to get along with people who are not as talented and moral as he is.

the so-called "good human settlements", such as entering the room of the Zhi orchid and not hearing its fragrance for a long time, are transformed into it. And poor human settlements, such as the abalone restaurant, for a long time do not smell its stench, but also with it.

this is the origin of Confucius' saying this sentence in the first place.

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as we mature with age, we will discover an extremely real truth:

the person you are close to is what you become. And what kind of person you are, what kind of person you will meet.

most of the time, your circle of friends represents your current circle of ability, moral character, and state of mind.

Zhihu has a question:


for most people, the first two are people who can meet but cannot be sought, and the people who get along with us the most are ordinary people.

but ordinary people also have premise-mental health, optimism, and positivity. To put it bluntly, it is necessary to have positive energy.

please do not give up because of a little setback, do not be irritated by minor contradictions, often complain from time to time, do not hurt others maliciously, do not chatter about their grievances, and do not wash their faces with grief all day and night.

as the saying goes, people with negative energy lie complaining about their fate, while people with positive energy stand up to change their fate.

A person who can't even save himself will only drag you into the abyss, and a person who can cross himself and others are the ones who affect your life.


being with people with positive energy is the best way to keep in good health

in recent years, the topic of health preservation has gradually transitioned to young people, and "soaking Chinese wolfberry in a thermos cup" has even become a popular trend.

but to keep in good health, in addition to the most basic "early to bed and early to rise healthy diet", many people ignore the link of nourishing the mind.

what is meant by nourishing the mind?

to nourish the mind is to nourish the spirit, nourish the mood, the spirit is good, the mood is stable, and the state of mind is good. With a good state of mind, 80% of life problems can be alleviated.

and "positive energy" is the best tonic for nourishing the heart.

I have heard such a short story.

two mantes went outside and went home. One said sadly, "people outside are calling us pests."

but the other one looks happy: "I don't think so, obviously they are saying that we are high!" Worms! "

this is true of the mantis, and so is the man. A mere difference in thought determines two very different destinies.

maybe we have seen too much chicken blood and listened to too much old chicken soup, and we have long been dismissive of "positive energy", but do you understand what "positive energy" stands for?

it is the light you see in your tired life, luring you out of the whirlpool of sadness, telling you that life will improve, hope still exists, and you deserve to be a better person before your tears are dry.

it is the best companion when you walk alone, so that you still don't feel lonely when walking in the dark, and run like a child in the sun.

it is a refueling rod when you run out of energy when you are in trouble, supervising you to sprint toward your goal and inspiring you to overcome one obstacle after another.

being with positive people will be relaxing from head to toe and the inside out.

people who are full of positive energy always bring their light. With the accumulation of time, they teach you courage and self-confidence, convey your enthusiasm and faith, bring you atmosphere and tolerance, and influence you to become a person who can warm others.

Don't waste your time and energy spent money on people who consume you, people who complain too much make you pessimistic, people who don't want to make progress slow down your progress, and people who are emotionally unstable affect your mental state.

if a relationship is tired, choose to abort.

socialize with people who are brave and transparent, sunny and confident, and emotionally stable.

the initiative of life is in the hands of those who stand up to change their fate and run to create a life. No matter how bad the experience is, positive people can always turn a night into a bright morning.

if the heart is sunny, the years are safe.

May we meet people like the sun, know the world but not the world, be sophisticated but not sophisticated, and get close to beauty with them.

the future is foreseeable.

encourage each other.