A poor area surrounded by rich people.

A poor area surrounded by rich people.

A poor area surrounded by rich people.

our poor area is ridiculous, which happens to be surrounded by rich areas. of course, because of our existence, the housing prices around us have been pulled down to a level, ashamed! Shame!

50 meters away from us, across the street is an affluent middle-class neighborhood with a house price of about 1.7 million Canadian dollars. The house price within 50 meters around us has been pulled down to about 1.2 million, but it is still beyond the affordability of the ordinary working class. The main difference between 1.7 million and 1.2 million is not only the distance from the poor area but also the difference in the campus. People on the west side of the street can go to a famous school, while those on the east side of the street can only go to a bad school. The ranking of these two schools is only more than 2500 places short. Ontario has more than 3000 primary schools, with top schools ranking about 50 and poor schools ranking about 2600 (or as a result of new principals in recent years, which used to be at the bottom).

another difference is race and figure. Rich areas are all white, while poor areas are a hodgepodge of Africans, Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese and Middle Easterners. As for the figure, the rich areas are slender men and slim women, and the poor areas are also slim and slim, but the main image is bloated, many people are so fast that they can't travel, they are sick, and they need automatic wheelchairs to go out. There is also a typical image among the residents of the poor areas, that is, their faces are fleshy, their eyebrows are angry, their hair is disheveled, and their bodies are disheveled in robes. When they encounter discord on the road, they have to use the equipment. On the other hand, the rich areas are different, each with an elegant and amicable manner.

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most of the neatly dressed, gentle, and courteous people in poor areas are working poor, working as caregivers for the elderly or babysitters or cooks, serving the rich, often tired to death. I met these neighbors on the bus and found that they (mainly women) had already sat down and fallen asleep before they could have a word of chat with their heads bowed to sleep.

most of the poor people in poor areas are neatly dressed, gentle, and polite.

it seems that most of the residents in poor areas are working poor, people who eat welfare. Most people who eat welfare will eventually get sick, because they can't afford to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, nor can they afford to buy tickets. They have been bored at home for a long time to eat free junk food, which gradually becomes bad. Upon examination, they find that they have suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, edema, and so on. Of course, in the eyes of people like me, even if they go out to work, there will be no good results, but there is only a dead-end when working poor, is exhausted. I worked as a salesman of massage equipment for a while, and most of the people who came to buy our products were working poor, many of whom were engaged in standing work for a long time, their ankles were deformed, and more people had shoulder and back pain. They fantasized that massage equipment could cure the chronic illness caused by years of hard work. Watching them briskly take out hundreds of yuan of hard money to buy these coaxing products, people can not help but feel pity.

those who are not willing to be slaves of the rich and do not want to sit back at home often follow the path of drug trafficking and gangs, which has become a destabilizing factor in poor areas. Well, there was another shootout last weekend night. A little boy "sat behind closed doors and the disaster came from outside the window." he was shot by a stray bullet, but luckily he was not killed. According to his father, thirteen loopholes were left in the outer wall of their apartment.

in all conscience, the rich area around us is a rich area of progressive, so I also believe that their affability is true, because our area has always been leftist territory. In Toronto, there are many truly conservative and rich areas, which are forbidden to the poor, who sincerely believe that poverty is self-inflicted. Not In My Backyard\ & quot; is their slogan. Their wish is simple: "Yes, I know there are many poor people in the world, but please don't let them appear in my field of vision." They want their cooks and nannies to be on call, but they don't live in their communities. A cook friend of mine gets up at three o'clock every morning and his salary is not low among the poor to get to work at six o'clock, but it is not enough for him to rent an apartment in the city center or buy a car. If you want to build a low-rent housing community in this intertwined, powerful, and traditional rich area, it will encounter their most tenacious resistance, and it is estimated that even the Prime Minister of Canada will be brought down by them.