80% of the happiness of a family depends on a man!

80% of the happiness of a family depends on a man!

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

it is said that to marry Xian, men all want to marry a good wife and have a happy family, so that they do not have to worry about it.

but many people forget that everything in the world is cause and effect.

if a husband wants a good wife, he must be kind to his wife.

you can have a good wife only if you allow yourself to be a good husband first. Only when the husband and wife are in harmony, the family will get better and better.

the happiness of a family depends on 80% of men.


the husband respects his wife, and the child respects his mother more

read a story on the Internet:

A husband never cleans up the dishes after every meal and is used to shouting at the top of his voice for his wife to clean up.

once there was a guest at home. After dinner, he chatted with the guest. The 5-year-old son suddenly imitated his father's appearance, shouted his mother's name and ferociously asked his mother to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

afterwards, the father criticized his son for being rude to his mother. The son replied, that's how you usually talk to your mother.

it is said that parents are a mirror of their children, and their behavior will directly affect their children.

it is better to raise poor and rich than to raise them with love. Teach children how much self-cultivation, it is better to set an example, to take good care of and respect his wife.

only when the husband affirms his wife's efforts and maintains her image in front of her children can the wife get the respect she deserves.

she is more motivated to be a good wife and mother, and the family will be more and more harmonious.

when parents love each other and the family is harmonious, the child will grow up in a healthy and loving environment, and he will devote his love to his own love and family in the future.


the husband is even, but the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is more harmonious

psychologist Wu Zhihong said:

"the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is actually a triangular relationship between mother-in-law, son and daughter-in-law, and the core is son."

think deeply, in all mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships, men are a bridge, can play a supporting effect.

A lot of men will say to their wives, "my mother is old and not easy. You have to let her go!"

it will only make the wife blindly aggrieved and patient, and eventually the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will not only become more ossified, but also affect the relationship between husband and wife.

A husband who knows "a bowl of water" is a good husband.

filial piety comes first. It is not easy for an old man to grow old, but it is not easy for a wife to manage at home and out of home.

We should be reasonable in everything, and while listening to the opinions of the elderly, we should not be partial to the elderly and aggrieved his wife.

when a man knows how to properly handle the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, respect and love his wife from the bottom of his heart, the wife will naturally be gentle and considerate and filial to the elderly.


A good husband leads to a good wife

Venus once said:

A woman is water. If you meet me with 0 degrees, I will immediately turn into ice. If you love me with 100 degrees, I will boil immediately. If you treat me at 50 degrees, I will be neither hot nor cold.

many married men feel that their wives are complaining and lose their temper easily.

but I don't know that behind a gentle woman, there must be a husband who takes good care of her.

those grumpy wives, it is not that they are angry, but that they who give everything are always not understood and even blamed.

A man complains about his wife and doesn't like to dress up after marriage, so he should reflect on whether he has taken the initiative to buy her a set of cosmetics and a new dress.

complain that your wife is nagging, so do you listen carefully when she advises you to smoke less and drink less?

if you think that your wife is not patient enough to help your children with their homework and is often angry, do you take the initiative to bear the pressure of raising children with her?

Marriage is not a matter of one person. Husband and wife should compare their hearts with each other. If the husband is kind to his wife, the wife will naturally be gentle and considerate!


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as the old saying goes: man is fate, wife is luck, wife is husband's luck, husband is wife's fate. It is not a duty for a husband to love his wife, but an obligation. Only by being kind to her wife can she pay for her family with no regrets, educate her children, show filial piety to the elderly, and give her husband a happy future.

the happiness of a family depends on 80% of men.

I hope all men can understand that the wife is as good as you are, and the family is as happy as the wife is!